Samples are collected for phase one.
With given time limitation and available resource, the study (first phase) is based on purposive sampling, that is, it has mainly focused on the core part of the intervention – focusing on about 10 villages of the area, where SJT has built about 20,250 check dams in total 450 villages during 1999-2004.
It is equally important to have a control group of villages (about 4-5) that includes villages where the check-dams have been built without support of the government / under the same scheme (Sardar Patel Participatory Water Conservation Programme) and any NGO assistance. Thus in all 15 villages have been covered under the study to evaluate the strategies, approach and its impact on various spheres. Of 5 villages (control group), other NGOs have built check dams in 2 villages and 3 villages where no check dams are built, (see appendix 2 for the list of villages covered under the study) The technical expert has visited a village (Umrala), not covered as part of sample of the study; this presents independent views of the expert as well as the comparison with the villages covered under the study.