- Various uses of rainwater – drinking, domestic, irrigation
- Participation and economic contribution by the beneficiaries.
- Use of rainwater for different beneficiaries (by land holders, landless families, families engaged in other occupations and economic return)
- Village economy – impact on different occupational activities like agriculture, animal husbandry, trading of agriculture produce and non-agriculture produce.
- Change in consumption pattern, whether saving on expenses for availability and use of water.

People gathered at Checkdam.
- Impact on cropping pattern.
- Land holding pattern – any change with selling and buying – and land price.
- Some intangible impact – reduced seasonal migration from the village, seasonal migration increased to the village with greater employment opportunities, increase in employment opportunities, reduced hardships, community feeling strengthened with joint venture of building check dam, capacity to face scarcity increased, etc.
- With increased income and better availability of water, whether new thinking has come in and been implemented for further strengthening the efforts for utilization of water, for example, introducing drip irrigation, sprinklers, plantation, etc
- Social contribution with increased income is observed or not.

Mathurbhai and Village people at site.
- Spreading awareness with sharing of their experiences.
- Recognizing the efforts of various agencies and individuals who have contributed to strengthen the movement of building check dams
- New strategies developed to spread awareness, building of check dam as well as spreading the intervention, for example, check dam is gifted to a bride from community and village residents to in-law’s place.
- Vision and future planning for strengthening the intervention.